A museum for writing
Museums are always faithful tourist attractions wherever you go. No matter the country, no matter the region, you will always find that people are drawn to the myriad of museums around the world. And rightly so too. Museums showcase human history, everything that has come before. They are filled with things from another time and another place, almost as if the things inside them are from another world altogether. Edinburgh has many museums, but none that can rival the Writer’s Museum.
History of a written kind
When people talk about written history they are normally referring to what we know today because of things that were written down centuries ago. But the Writer’s Museum in Edinburgh offers you written history in the form of actual manuscripts. Literally pacing through the pages of time is far more interesting than any history lesson in school.
To make things even more tantalizing the Kakar’s Court is just adjacent to the Writer’s museum. There you can see poets from the 14th century up to modern time celebrated. This kind of cultural history is far too much to take in on a mere day trip. Staying over in Edinburgh is made affordable thanks to serviced apartments in Edinburgh. These apartments are paid for per night and not per person.
So you can take the whole family on a historic adventure without damaging your budget. The serviced apartments in Edinburgh come with a host of services of your choice, which makes your stay carefree. Why not enjoy a bit of history and an affordable stay at the same time?