Booking Confirmation

Apartment Details

Wembley Apartments
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Apartment Address
356 High Road, Wembley

Check-in Details

20.05.2024 (16:00)

24.05.2024 (10:00)

Length of stay

Guests / Apartments
1  /  1

Additional Notes

1 x 2 Bedroom Apartment + 1 x On-Site Parking Space

Guest Contact
Adrian Foot

Client Contact
Dawson Wam

Cost Code
NW2 Project

Office Origin


Price Per Night

£135 +VAT

Total Cost

£540 +VAT

Arrival Process

Dear Adrian,

Please make your way to the following address and check-in with the following self check-in codes.

Apartment Address: Flat 25, Jenga Court, 356 High Road, Wembley, London, HA9 6EJ

Accessing Your Apartment:

• Our Jenga Court apartments are located on High Road.
• Upon arrival at Jenga Courts please access the building via the side entrance towards the left hand side of the building.
• Once through the black gates please locate the intercom and enter "0" to activate the intercom, followed by the code 377462 to gain access to the building.
• Please locate the elevator directly opposite the door, and head to the 4th floor.
• Please head through the balcony door on the right hand side and locate Flat 25.
• Next to the apartment door you will find a key safe.
• Please enter the code 103816986 and then push the black button down toward the ground and pull open the latch at the same time to reveal the keys for the apartment inside.
• Please remember to close the key safe after use, keeping the code safe from view.
• For any issues upon arrival, please contact our Guest Services Team on +44 (0)800 652 2552.

Your parking instructions for Flat 25, Jenga Court  are as follows:

  • Access the car park located around the back of the building.
    • Using the keypad on Gate use the code 3739#  to open parking gate.
    • You have been allocated Bay 6.
    • Please park in your allocated bay only.
    • Failure to do so may result in a penalty fine issue by an independent company.
    • Flying Butler Apartments will not be liable for any parking fines.
    • At the end of your booking, please enter code to Exit Car Park.
    • Failure to do so will result in a £100.00 +VAT charge per fob.

Terms and Conditions


Prior to check-in


None Required


7 days

Thank you for choosing Serviced City Pads as your accomodation provider. We hope you have an enjoyable stay.

Visit to view our portfolio of serviced apartments.

If you would like to share your feedback with us, please get in touch by emailing

Kind Regards,
Serviced City Pads Team

Contact Info

Phone: 0844 335 8866
Email: Reservations and Bookings