Dear Euan, Jamie,
Your apartments will be ready for 3pm, please let us know your time of arrival so we can also Meet and Welcome you to your apartments.
Please make your way to the following address.
Varis Apartments
22 High Street
IV36 1DB
We try when possible to have properties ready from 3pm due to COVID -19 cleaning requirements
If you put into sat nav IV36 1DB , it will take you to 22 High Street ( Blue Shop) . Go through the blue gates, (Sign for Varis Apartments above gates )to the right, walk down lane to No 1 Varis Wynd ( 50 metres on left) at black box open box then enter 120459 and there inside shall be a key . For WiFi code is SH(number zero)PFL4T3 If you have any problems please phone 07740683769 Can you text when in property please . Free public car parking is 50 metres away beside Savers Store , opposite St. Leonard's Church
Many Thanks - Carlos ( Apartments Owner )