What Do Our Corporate Clients Think?

Serviced City Pads offers a free accommodation booking service to business travellers at preferential rates – here are a few thoughts from one of our long standing corporate clients on why they choose our apartments in London & other major cities around the UK.


Cormac McCarthy has been a loyal client of Serviced City Pads corporate booking service for the past two years; he was one of our first regular business travellers and helped to shape the service through his invaluable feedback. With this in mind, we asked him a few questions about our service and his travels, which he very kindly answered.

First, could you tell us a little about why you are travelling?

As a Marketing Executive for an independent Publishing House I travel across the country for new book launches and signings. I also liaise with editors, authors and attend conferences in varying locations across the UK. Sometimes these are short trips overnight, if I’m attending an event, or longer stays if I’m organising one. Because we are an independent business, the role is very hands on and I like to meet with our partners regularly.

Why did you choose to make the move from hotels to apartments?

Up until I started booking through Serviced City Pads, I hadn’t thought about how small hotel rooms actually are. The apartments I’ve stayed in, and I’ve stayed in a fair few, have always given me tipple the space – usually at a lower price.  People always talk about the convenience of having a restaurant downstairs, but I can’t see much convenience in being charged extra for a piece of toast in the morning. I’d much prefer to make my own.

How easy is the Corporate Booking Service to use?

It’s much easier than trawling through websites checking availability and prices myself. Every month I send my schedule through to the team, and they get back to me with the details of where I’ll be staying, I approve the booking, and we’re done.

Do you feel that it has saved you money?

I don’t feel it, I know it. The staff at Serviced City Pads know what they’re doing, they always give me a preferential rate – which has been consistently lower than what I’d be paying direct (I’ve checked).

Would you recommend the service to other travellers?

I’d be foolish to use it myself if I wasn’t willing to recommend it to others. It makes my job a lot easier, saves our business money and keeps me connected to our authors, customers and partners around the UK.


We want to work in a way that always puts you first, prioritising your needs, your schedule and your budget. We know that satisfied customers are always open to building relationships with our account managers and by building relationships we can ensure that you receive a comprehensive, low cost service every time you book.

Don’t consider yourself a business traveller? You don’t have to be a CEO to use our Corporate Booking Service. Many people travel for work, from nurses & doctors to military personnel and construction workers. So if you need fully serviced accommodation, please get in touch.