Happy New Year from Serviced City Pads!
Serviced City Pads would like to wish all of our customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Whether you are a leisure customer who has booked a serviced apartment in Manchester with us or a business client who has booked a corporate stay in London with Serviced City Pads.
Serviced City Pads now works with a number of corporate clients, looking after their accommodation requirements across the UK. We specialise in short stay apartments as an alternative to staying in a hotel. Staying in a serviced apartment in London works particularly well for business people who are working away from home for more than a few days at a time, or a family who are planning a city break in London or another UK city. An apartment is more spacious and offers a less formal experience than a London hotel. Of course, hotels are a great place to stay for a night or two but can become rather oppressive for anything longer than that.
Chris Rose, Director at Serviced City Pads commented, “We realise how important it is for us to offer a wide selection of serviced apartments across Central London. We also understand that Serviced City Pads must be able to offer these London apartments at a competitive rate otherwise our clients will go elsewhere and in this tough economic climate that is entirely understandable. Price proved to be massively important to customers during 2009 and we fully expect that people will continue to shop around for the best priced accommodation when they plan their stay.
We are a Liverpool based business that has been able to increase our listings to cover 25 locations across the UK. As the Capital city, and because of the volume of businesses that operate in London, it is London where we see our biggest area of opportunity (and growth) for 2010. This means working with companies that are based outside of london who send employees to work on contracts in London, and also companies that have their Head office in London but also have regional offices around the UK. We can work with both types of company to arrange their corporate accommodation because of our spread of apartments across the country.
Perhaps where Serviced City Pads is different from other booking companies is that we offer a single point of contact, account management service. So, if it your job to organise the accommodation company wide, then we feel by offering a single point of contact to cover all cities where employees need to stay, this should simplify your role. We realise that organising accommodation in unfamiliar cities can be a pain and we feel that our role is to take away some of that pain for the process. Our service to you is FREE as well!!
If it sounds like your business would benefit from using Serviced City Pads, please give us a call on 0844 335 8866. We will be delighted to talk through organising your business accommodation, or personal accommodation requirements in London and beyond for 2010.
So, Happy New year to you from Serviced City Pads and here’s to a fantastic 2010!