The Press Photographer of the Year Exhibition at the National Gallery
The National Gallery is showing the Photographer of the Year Award until September 4th 2011 which is located on the Southbank, Serviced City Pads supply Serviced Apartments throughout London and near South Bank – the reservations team will be delighted to send you a range of options where you can stay from 1 night upwards. Serviced City Pads can be contacted on 0844 335 8866.
Photojournalism is judged on the following main elements which creates images in order to tell a news story.
Timeless – the images have meaning in the context of recently published record of events.
Objectivity – the situation implied by the images is a fair and accurate representation of the events they depict in both content and tone.
Narrative – the images combine with other news elements to make facts relatable to the viewer or reader on a cultural level.
Flash photography was invented in the late 19th century and with the famous New York Times publishing pictures for the first time and give them the benefit to photograph subjects indoors, photographing became the main stay of newspapers and magazines over the next century and this turned into a credible profession. Serviced City Pads supply links to all the apartments for short and long stay accommodation, Serviced City Pads supply photographs of the apartment with all detailed information supplied.
During the sixties there was a growing realization that the view of photography would cause living conditions to improve were naive. The menance of the Cold War had shown that in the Korean War fighting could end in a stalemate but there was still a chance that good would overcome. The sense that America could change the world in a positive way was tarnised but still there. After pcitures of so many wars, the public began to demnand more aspirational lifestyle pictures as this would sell many magazines and make huge profits, the sight of war however noble did not sell magazines. Serviced City Pads supply Serviced Apartments on London City Breaks and can be contacted on 0844 335 8866.
The impact of new technologies on photojournalism have been immense, since the introduction of motor drives, electronic flash, auto-focus, better lenses and other camera enhancements have made pciture taking easier. I have recently been to many friends wedding where everyone seemed to have a fantastic camera with auto focusing and all the pictures taken by all parties came out brilliantly due to the camera technology. Serviced City Pads have many budget apartments in London and are often asked by leisure and corporate clients to find the best value apartments.
There is concern moving forward due to the technological enhancement that the art of photojournalism could be lost, due to the camera advancements being so good that you cannot tell the difference in pictures between an amateur and professional. This seems to be called as Paul Leveinson to ‘put a piece of visual reality into every persons potential grasp. Serviced City Pads supply Serviced Apartments and are often seen as a great alternative to the one bedroom option of a Hotel.